Please use the ICPSR Project Citation and the paper(s) describing the data collection process (when available) when citing these data sources.
Manufacturing - County
What: Manufacturing output and employment
Level: County (U.S)
Time Period: 1927 - 1937
Frequency: Biennial
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
Manufacturing - City
What: Manufacturing output and employment
Level: City (U.S.)
Time Period: 1904 - 1939
Frequency: ~5 years
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
Manufacturing Industries
What: Distribution of manufacturing industries
Level: County (U.S.)
Time Period: 1927
Frequency: cross-section
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
Banking Conditions
What: Banking sector balance sheet
Level: County (U.S.)
Time Period: 1924 - 1931
Frequency: Annual
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
Vital Statistics
What: Deaths by cause
Level: City (U.S.)
Time Period: 1915-1923
Frequency: Annual
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
Financial Statistics of Cities
What: Revenue, expenditure, and debt of U.S. cities
Level: City (U.S.)
Time Period: 1924-1938
Frequency: Annual
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
Municipal Bonds
What: Outstanding bonds of U.S. cities
Level: Bond (U.S.)
Time Period: 1929
Frequency: cross-section
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
Education Statistics
What: Revenue, expenditure, and debt of public U.S. city school systems
Level: City (U.S.)
Time Period: 1922 - 1940
Frequency: Annual
Link to data and codebook: [Data]
State and Local Tax Rates
What: Personal income, corporate income,
property, sales, and excise tax rates
Level: State and County (U.S.)
Time Period: 1975 - 2022
Frequency: Annual
Link to data and codebook: [Data]